Transitional Care Home

What happens after the children turn 18 years old?

After the children turn 18 years old, they need to be transferred from living at Hope Mountain Center to living at a Transitional Care Home. The first Transitional Care Home will be for girls. In 2025, four of the girls currently living at Hope Mountain Center will need to be transferred into a Transitional Care Home. A Transitional Care Home for boys won’t be needed for several more years.

While living at the Transitional Care Home, the children will be prepared for an independent life. They will have opportunities to finish their education or vocational training while continuing to receive guidance and counseling from trained staff.

Your support is needed to establish and operate a Transitional Care Home.

  • The estimated one-time cost to fully furnish a Transitional Care Home is $10,000.00.

  • The estimated monthly cost to operate a Transitional Care Home is $3,000.00 per month. This includes rent, utilities, household supplies, food, and staff costs.


It all started when…

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