Message from our Chairman


The Philippines is a beautiful country filled with loving, family-oriented people. But, there is a dark side. The Philippines is also a world-wide source of on-line child pornography.  The on-line sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) has become a growing problem. With no intervention, this abuse has a devastating life-long physical, emotional, and spiritual effect on victimized children.

In 2018, we began transforming 10 acres of rural land into a refuge of hope, healing, and restoration for rescued children.  The first aftercare home began accepting children on March 10, 2020. Hope Mountain Center is focused on restoring the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of children that have experienced unbelievable betrayal and trauma.  Hope Mountain Center is one of the first aftercare facilities in the Philippines that cares for both boys and girls rescued from on-line sexual exploitation.  Without Hope Mountain Center, brothers and sisters are separated and sent to separate facilities.

Bring hope, healing, and restoration to rescued children by becoming a Restoration Partner.  Every contribution directly supports programs that helps a child transform from helpless victim to a thriving survivor.

In Christ’s Service,

Steven Rough

Steven Rough, Chairman of Hope Mountain Foundation

Steven Rough, Chairman of Hope Mountain Foundation