Five (5) More Children move into Hope Mountain Center!

Next week, five more children will move into Hope Mountain Center - 4 boys and 1 girl. These children were all rescued from sexual exploitation. When I met them a few days ago, they all appeared to be just like any typical boy or girl you might meet. They were all friendly and full of energy. From the outside, you would never know the type of abuse they experienced. But underneath, I know they are suffering from the trauma of their abuse; their family homes are not safe places for them to live.

I asked them questions to help them feel more comfortable during our initial meeting. “What is your favorite food?” The answers varied: chicken, vegetables, shrimp. “What do you like to study in school?” The children responded: science, math, social studies. Unlike many rescued children, these children had been able to go to school.

I also encouraged them to ask us questions. The first question was, “When can we move?” Other questions they asked were, “Can we play outside in the rain?” “Do you have basketball?” “Can we do origami?” “Will we be able to go to school?”

Can we play outside in the rain?
— Incoming Resident of Hope Mountain Center

On Monday, these children will arrive at Hope Mountain Center with all their belongings - some clothing that will soon be too small and a few toys. They will be given a tour and shown their new bedrooms. They will meet the houseparents and other staff. This will be a new beginning for these children. I am sure they will feel anxiety as they move into their new surroundings.

On Monday, these children will become part of a new family at Hope Mountain Center. They will live in a safe home where they will experience unconditional love and compassion. Their healing won’t happen overnight; but at least their healing can now begin.

Playground and House.png

Healing Happens Here

Hope Mountain Center is a safe refuge of hope, healing, and restoration for children (both boys and girls) rescued from on-line sexual exploitation (OSEC).